Founded in 2011 during the Berlin Film Festival, Europa International is the European network for sales agents, aimed at raising awareness on the job of a sales agent and their essential position within the film ecosystem. The idea was to have a new face for this profession, which represents an essential segment of the European audiovisual sector.
Europa International is now a non profit organization committed to the European world sales agents and providing back up to its members on the international marketplace, from sales all the way through to distribution, as well as on the international film festival circuit.
Its objective is to provide a community service by creating a network of European sales agents in order to represent the profession and defend its general interests. Europa International intends to share the broad experience of its members in order to prepare efficiently the future of film industry.
Its aim is to improve and increase the international distribution and circulation of European films inside and outside Europe.
Europa International actions are:
- To pool and share information, experiences and best practices
- To seek a common position and organize common actions
- To develop collaboration and interaction with distributors and exhibitors
- To promote a larger circulation of the European films worldwide