The Match Factory has successfully presented the outcome of the first session of Distribution 2.0 at the annual Europa International Conference.
The project was discussed lively among the participants, who identified in such a way with the ideas of Distribution 2.0 that the title of the project became the new term when referring to innovative film marketing strategies.
The transparency encrypted in the source code of the project paid off heavily as it enabled the attendees to learn, acquire and share ideas from successful strategies as well as debate how to improve those that failed.
The Match Factory had the opportunity to find common aspects in the new marketing trends developed by fellow players and to profit from recurrent concepts like branding, eventizing, self distribution or cinema on demand which were regarded during Europa International conference.
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The focus was on digital distribution and the new opportunities that new platforms like VOD can provide for European films at the second annual Europa International conference in Athens.
The Susan Wendt head of sales at TrustNordisk, Denmark was elected as the new president of Europa International taking over from Match Factory helmer Michael Weber.
One of the most important projects presented during the event was the first year of “Distribution 2.0”, The Match Factory project launched last year to explore new means in marketing and distribution of international feature films, through the use of social networks, viral marketing, digital distribution, day and date releases and flexible programming structures.
Among the distributors that have partnered with the new Distribution 2.0 effort are Germany’s Pandora Film, Mexico’s Canana, Hungary’s Cinefil, Taiwan’s Joint Entertainment and the United States’ Strand Releasing. German tech company Europe’s Finest, Polish distributor Alambique, Russia’s Carmen Film and Dutch group Contact film. Distribution 2.0 coordinated the European VOD releast of Postcards from the Zoo by Indonesian director Edwin. Reelport has set up on online platform for Distribution 2.0 for the exchange of promotional materials and distribution information for upcoming releases. The project is funded by MEDIA Mundus.